Monday, May 27, 2019

Deer In Headlights

Everyday I wander the same aisles and look at the same containers of continuances and wonder. What is everyone staring at?
There is a yellow bottle and a blue can and some white plastic containers with a pretty picture and some type readable or not and if investigated lots of tiny type explaining what the container wholes within it.
Then it is up to the participant in this game of survival in the modern world to place it in the basket to continue life. Or not?
The variety of selections has grown to a library of substances and mixtures that may keep us alive.
Thanks to advertising brands have been instilled to our memory of what is acceptable and what is foreign.
The foodie explorers will pick up spices and senses for a future mixture that might please the family or prove a disaster experiment.
I am a simple purchaser. I know where the items I wish to purchase are. They may try to hide them but I still find them.
Still I wonder of the folks who stand and stare at the shelf full of containers, like library books not understanding how to select.
My best example is dudes trying to select beer. They stand and stare at the ultimate selections of brands and flavors and alcoholic content like deer in headlights. They even get on the phones to contact other to make the final decision.

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