Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ended as Lovers

Relationships are tough and some end. How and why is not important but some end. What previously held a relationship together could be an association, friendship, steady, fiancé, or as lovers.
Some relationships can end by the distance between two or it may have more emotional connections.
Relationships can’t be taken out to the trash and forgotten. Over years some details may fade while others continue to sneak into your dreams.
What was at the moment will be clouded with time. Remember however you want for only the two of you will know.
Remember that time getting splashed with ham juice from the pier? Of course you don’t because you were not there. You don’t remember Murray or falling on the ice or racing to the finish line or being the last to finish. You don’t remember the meteor shower in the middle of the night lying in the wet grass or that basketball game. You don’t remember the ultrasound or the car towed. You don’t recall any or more memories because you were not there.
Relationships of associates at work or classmates can be forgotten with a handshake quickly clouded into a history of forgotten faces and names.
Intimate physical entanglements are different. They can last for minutes or hours or days or years. It is your choice.
With all the sweating and panting workouts, an emotional connection is made that is inclusive between two people.
No matter what the reasons for lovers to separate there are unintended consequences.

“Sneaking kisses in the hall
Writing love notes are on the wall
Been each other’s all and all each day
Lovers walkin’ in the rain
So close we felt each other’s pain
But now you say that love has died away

‘Cause we’ve ended now as lovers
Doesn't mean that we each other can’t be friends
‘Cause we've ended now as lovers
Does our love for one another have to end?

I remember teaching you
On piano ‘Tea for Two’
And how I’m playing wrong, I kissed your hand
But when our love has gone and passed
Why does the good exceed the bad?
Well that’s one thing I’ll never understand
‘Cause I remember us in class
You were always the one to pass
And gave me answers right to see me through
But that was more than years ago
And who will love me I don’t know
It’s sad for sure but true it won't be you”
 …Stevie Wonder

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