Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thursday Turkey Day at the Tummy Temple

There is little traffic and few outside on this sunny day. Breeze knocking down leaves that are dryer and less slick than yesterday. Bright sunshine on my trip to the Tummy Temple and fairly warm temperatures made the journey refreshing.
“Happy Thanksgiving” a mother carrying her daughter says as I pass by. I replied with a smile thinking it was a good omen for the rest of the day.
Yesterday was grey and mayhem ruled the Tummy Temple. On the acres’ of flat blackness the motor machines circled the wagons searching for a spot to squeeze in-between the white lines. The choices of wire baskets were slim but Hillary (she could have been president) came out and pushed a zip cart to me. Now that is service extraordinaire.
Finding a scanner that worked, I entered the produce department to the bewilderment of the Tummy Temple at it’s finest. Women in heavy coats starting at the ceiling for deliverance, men with anxious children trying to find items in a world he’d never attended, blue aprons trying to direct the confused, bumper cars parked in pathways with drivers having a come-to-Jesus moment. There was leather, there was lace, there were tattoos, and there were panic stricken faces.
Long lines pressed tight at the tithing ushers’ stations. Carts stacked high with toilet paper; probably the most functional and necessary item for the future day of consumption.
Since I had already purchase all-the-fixin’s days earlier, I could just slow myself and enjoy the show. In all the confusion I got FREE beer, but today was a slower pace.
Today the aisles were like Dodge City after the Dalton’s left. A few leftovers were gathered for those not in the kitchen already and turmoil of yesterday had ceased.
A lovely lady walked by with a big smile that made me notice. Maybe she was smiling at something behind me? Maybe my zipper was down? Maybe my hair was all a tussle from the ride? I should have said something but I was too mellow by then.
Picked up my feast for the woods and hydration and slipped into the nearest scanning station. Push the red light to the bar code and wait for the machine to say, “Welcome Valued Customer. Help is on the way”. Today Ellie, who looked like she was working both sides of the ‘rush and get me the hell out’ section came over with her magic card to again tell the machine I was old enough to drink the same that I did yesterday and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that and the day before that. AI hasn’t started working on these machines yet, but I have faith. I thanked the Red Vest, placed my used scanner into the deposit rack and wheeled out the door.
As I unlocked my pony from the trashcan, some fella came out to his bike chained to the stop sign and smiled. I nodded and said, “You got the best parking space.” He looked confused and I rode off.
Another success trip through the neighborhood for exercise, fresh air and entertainment without getting run over with the thought of what will tomorrow hold is this years Thanksgiving.

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