Tuesday, March 17, 2020


From what I’ve read (you can investigate further) the ‘Cooties’ were lice brought back from solders in WWI. ‘Cooties’ were also a game (see above) where I think parts were assembled or taken apart, but I don’t know the rules. ‘Cooties’ was also a movie, but I’m not talking about any of that.
With all the talk about this ‘conoravirus’ going on and how we are to stay sheltered, self-isolation and personal distance without our natural fear and distrust for one another?
Without wearing a star on our jacket to show others we’ve been tested and proven positive (or not), everyone we see might just be ‘one of them’.
You know. One of those infected with the deadly disease that a handshake or a sneeze could put you in the ICU.
If this is a ‘war’, those are the enemy.
To rationally ask someone ‘How are you feeling?’ there is a suspicion they got it and the fear that they are going to give it to you.
While we are going to act like children, let us call this virus something other than a beer. Don’t put a scientific number name or an abbreviation, but call it something we can all relate to.
Yell that and you will get everyone’s attention to back off.
After all the scientist and medical professional figure out what this virus is and how to diminish it like Polio or Ebola (notice: I did not say ‘Cure’) we all must be aware that anyone, anywhere could be a carrier. In other words, they might have “Cooties”.
To be on the safe side, you’ve purchased enough supplies to last the two weeks (or more) and have taped up the doors to the bomb shelter.
Did little Johnny get infected from playing with Sally before you closed the door? Did grandma just sneeze? Are you feeling warm?
When all the food runs out and the alcohol runs dry, what do you do until you hear the “All Clear”?
What if you don’t hear an “All Clear”?
I don’t have ‘cooties’ (yet, that I know of). Do you have ‘cooties’?

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