Saturday, March 14, 2020

Have You Taken The Test?

Back in my day, no one wanted to take a test. Tests were mainly meant to see if you were listening in class. Everyone had to be silent as the teacher’s pet handed out the paper and then given a timeline to finish, then turn over the paper that was collected, viewed and graded by the teacher.
Test back then got an alphabetical judgment of A,B,C,D or F (my favorite). Much like the rest of life, these were to score if you moved on or just faded into the darkness of education. A grade qualified you in comparison to others in your class.
To take a test was to see if you passed or failed. The test grade placed you in which caste you would fit in.
There are lots of test throughout life. Sometimes we pass and sometimes we fail.
Now this test is suppose to see if you got the bug that is going around. Take a swab of spit and send it off to some lab to later get a text message if you ‘passed’ or ‘failed’.
Except these grades are ‘positive’ or ‘negative’. You got it or you don’t.
Don’t know if they have a summer school to make up these grades, but everyone wants to take the test.
Maybe that is why the medical profession is so popular? Everyone thinks they have the ‘hibbie-jibbies’ or the ‘cooties’ and want a medical professional to confirm their self-diagnosis.
That is what annual examinations are for. Weight, height and a thermometer stuck in somewhere so a doctor can fill out a chart and compare it to your last visit.
If everything looks ‘normal’ you get a pat on the back, a lollypop and an appointment for the next year. If there is some variance, additional test will be performed.
This latest pandemic doesn’t seem to have a bag of tricks ready for the humanity request for microwave solutions. Frantic scientists are feverishly working on finding the source, matching cells to similar boogeyman and concocting a cure.
Until then the solution is ‘wash your hands’, ‘stay away from others’ and ‘buy as much toilet paper as you can find’.
If you take the test and it is ‘positive’ is that a death sentence? If you take the test and it is ‘negative’ are you scot-free until you run into another person who may not have taken the test. Then you have to take another test.
Should we have health test every time we walk into hospitals? Should we have to take the test when we enter schools? What about office buildings or airports or churches? Seems we don’t have the answer so we just shut them down.
Have fun watching films and eating everything you grabbed off the shelves. You may be sheltered from the contamination until you can’t get off the couch.
Is there a test for obesity?

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