Monday, May 18, 2020

When all this blows over…

Keep hearing this term and wonder what it means?
Like tomorrow the sun will come up and we will all get back to the way it was.
 If it doesn’t?
This ‘new’ normal came upon quickly with little awareness yet catastrophic changes. Business shut down, people out of work, stocks falling, schools closed, there is no end in sight.
There is talk of taking test, but if you fail the test you are sent home without a cure. There is talk of contact tracking to whomever you talked to or were in close quarters with before you were classified as a ‘positive’, but if it were Aunt Betty or Cousin Sam it would be easy except for that guy you passed in the grocery not wearing a mask or the unknown jogger you passed on the way?
Who would have thought two months ago the new fashion statement would be wearing a jockstrap on your face?
So the daily news report tells of the plastic facemask and rubber gloves being produced followed by a body count.
There are the ultimate promises that scientist and doctors and pharmaceutical organizations are working on all sorts of techniques to poke and prod positive and negative human guinea pigs and score the results until they can ‘prove’ it is the cure.
The microwave mentality has a hard time waiting for the time needed for the body to process the new ingredient and people in white coats to access the results.
So we grow our hair, eat fast food, watch endless television worthlessness in our bedroom garb and wait for the bell to ring.
Behind the scenes the mixtures and potions and Petri dish examinations are coming up with possible solutions to this ‘killer germ’ but there is no solution without through test and comparisons and data and graphs and charts.
Have you taken your test yet?
There has always been some amount of ‘cooties’ around that makes us sick, but we push through it and survive. Is this any different?
We’ve become fearful of stepping outside or interacting with another human being. We view each other as enemies who could possibly kill us with a comment rather than a friend or a neighbor.
So when this all blows over…. But wait.
This may go on for weeks or months or years.
The scenario of quick finish may not occur.
Instead we may have a brief release only to be overwhelmed by the second wave or the third wave.
Our children may never remember what going to school meant. Commuting to the office is a distant memory. Entertainment will be made at home. Socializing will become an ancient memory.
While we look for the next sunset to wash time away this may last for days and days and tomorrow.
Don’t want to bum you out but we may be gone before this ‘new reality’ goes away.
Enjoy your summer vacation and your holiday celebrations.
See you next year. Same time. Same station.

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