Monday, September 21, 2020



I know a bit about computers. I learned the same way you did. Take it out of the box, put the books to the side, plug it in, turn it on then start punching buttons to see what they do. The same way you build IKEA furniture. The same way you put your lawnmower together. The same way you spent too long trying to get a signal from your new big screen.

So after spending too many hours fretting over these weird signals not allowing me to do what I did yesterday, I finally decided it was time.

The rational thought would be get on the phone and call Rajah for another couple of hours of diagnosis with a probable cause before the phone line breaks up or the battery dies.

Like most problems, you can beat your head repeating the same process over and over or you can back off and take a break.

The Internet thing is always changing and it sends out warning you are not keeping up.

So I checked the OS on this computer and matched it with the OS on the laptop and the OS on the iPad. Just logging onto a app appeared different on each one. Unfortunately in my attempts to solve the problems, the Internet kept telling me to change my passwords.

I can barely keep up with my phone number and my pin number for grocery shopping.

Get a little scrap paper and follow the instructions to change the password. Fine. It also affects other applications. Write it down. Think.

Finally I got all the computers (not the phone because I don’t use that) to work properly. This one won’t take the Apple email anymore on several different browsers. I told you I tried for hours.

Basically this computer OS is too old and can’t be upgraded. It still works fine and has plenty of memory and lots of apps that work so I’ll just avoid the constant nuance of “You’ve Got Mail” on this computer. The Yahoo Mail and the G-Mail work fine so if you get a message it may come from one of those. The Apple mail works fine on the laptop and iPad but they have newer OS versions.

That is the game of this Internet. You must upgrade to stay in touch.

So now I have three choices to log on to the WWW and see if it makes a difference to my life?

Was it worth the struggle?

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