Sunday, May 30, 2021

Multi-Tasking Malfunction


Most days are a routine. Wake up at the same time. Put on the same clothing. Ride the same routes. Meet the same faces. Purchase the same items. Listen to the same shows. Eat the same food. Read the same social media. Play the same music. Go to bed at the same time.

Yesterday was different.

The day started cloudy and rainy. Not the atmosphere to drag out of bed and welcome the day.

Stumbling into the kitchen to make a cup of dirty water the temperature indicator didn’t show any reason to not crawl back under the covers.

The online weather report didn’t show any relief from a cold clammy day. The yard certainly needed the rain, but sunshine is what motivates me.

Back to listening to radio reviews of elected politicians acting like children and remembrances of burning down Tulsa. Climb under the covers and maybe this dream will end?

After scrolling the World Wide Web for something more interesting than death and anger mixed with naked women and car crashes, the weather report showed a possibility of a break where I could ride between the drops.

Eagerly I prepared for my adventure into what is now a wet world. Feeding the family their breakfast that was now brunch, I saddled up under a gray sky.

There was a mist in the air but I thought it would stop.

I was wrong.

I turned the shorter route as the heavens opened up upon me. For those in your metal mobile machines who can roll up the windows and wait out the rain in secure comfort, when riding two wheels you are at the mercy of nature. Like being in the rain at the beach, you get wet.

Upon return, I discarded the damp clothing for warmer and drier sweats.

The rest of the day seemed to follow the regular routine under cloudy skies. Put out the buffet; check the iPad for connection to WiFi and the world outside the fence.

This day seems to be the day that Facebook wants to post advertising on timelines. Every other third post was an advertisement that I wasn’t interested in or wanted to scroll through so I did the ‘delete’ ad process over and over and over again.

As it started to get darker, I rescind myself to the big house with the warmth and light and multiple electronics. The usual routine was to plug in the iPad to the laptop to recharge, and then select the Reverbnation site to play all my tones so I could stay at #1.

While that was going on, I started to fill the sink with water to wash the dirty dishes that have been sitting in there for a couple of days.

Next, go into the other room and turn on that computer. Put in a CD to play old familiar hits no one has ever heard and open Facebook.

Remember Facebook was barraging me with advertisements I did not want to see and I was frantic in stopping the flow of commercial commerce to disturb my visions of kittens and puppies and stimulating thoughts.

At some point in time with this adventure, I had to get up and pee.

On my way to the loo, there was a new sound. It was the sound of a river flowing. It was a river flowing from the kitchen into the dining room.


I splashed into the kitchen and turned off the culprit of this disaster.

Now I could test out all the mops I had purchased as I waded through the flood. Splash, splash, splash, and splash I sloshed up water into a bucket as if fighting the Sorcerer’s Apprentice.

Opened the back door and broom out waves of what was intended to be a cleansing of the utensils necessary to prepare food but was now washing the countertops and cabinets.

After several gallons were tossed out into the rain that returned, I backed off from the stupidity I could not justify. For years there has been much water on these floors but this was my first time at being malfunction multi-tasking. I had prided myself at completing task without causing a disaster, but today was not my day.

Maybe this is a sign of what is to come or maybe this was just getting distracted with email or some video?

Sleep on it while we dry out.

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