Wednesday, August 4, 2021

Climate Change


Have you heard our home is getting hotter? Forest fires. Droughts. Avalanches. Glacier melting?

Has it bothered you? Have you donated a couple of bucks to some organization that pleads mercy? Have you written a letter to your Congress representative? Have you marches down the street with a sign? Did you buy the tee shirt?

Did your electricity bill rise when you turn up your AC? Do you stay inside more than outside? Is your garden wilting? Do you just switch the station when the news talks about it and move onto the Olympics?

What else are you doing to save the world for your grandchildren?

Have you dumped the gas-guzzler for an electric car? Have you captured rainwater? Have you covered your roof with solar panels? Do you wear a cap that says: “Save The Whales” (or polar bears or seals or…)?

What about your kids? Are they changing any lifestyle or just buying another car and growing a gigantic lawn and drowning in craft brewery thinking someone else will fix it?

Maybe our political leaders can write a law that will change our habits like getting a vaccine or gun control or getting off your phone when driving? Maybe we can come up with another song like “We Are The World” or attend a ‘Save The Earth’ festivals with food trucks and solo cups?

I check the weather everyday.  I check the thermometer in the house with all the windows closed. I have a thermometer outside my kitchen window to check before I leave the house. In the summer I wander early to avoid the heat and still come home and have to sit in front of a fan and towel off to cool the core. At night, the ceiling fans are turned on and clothing is optional. The bed has a beach towel on it for in the morning it is soaking wet.

This year (as of yet) hasn’t had the heat wave that the West Coast has endured, but it is just a matter of time.

What about getting air conditioning? Like sitting in the refrigerator you have to open the door to go outside.

The birds and trees and fleas will all have to adapt to a hotter day or die. Will we learn or just become extinct?

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