Sunday, October 17, 2021

I think…


The world is going to hell-in-a-hand-basket.

Being retired and alone gives one time to contemplate, absorb, evaluate and digest what is read, heard or displayed on all the media variations to form values, ethics and opinions tainted by life experiences.

Being a junkie, I listen to what is described “news” and avoid the opinion pages and the talking heads, but am still sprayed with social media. Who has the time to ‘fact check’ every post/story/column/headline that passes before you?

People stabbing elected officials, shootings in school, in houses of worship, in groceries, on trains and fights on airplanes. People who would walk in to a pack of people with a suicide vest and blow everyone up.

People who shout down school boards or shoot others in road rage. People who won’t go back to work or send their kids to school. People, who hide their money so not to pay taxes, then accept government assistance.

I can watch and wonder, but not participate. I didn’t protest the Vietnam War but saw my friends leave on a train and come back in a box. I watched the Women’s Movement when my wife got hairy but it didn’t change the office. I saw the ‘negro’ cross over redline but there was too much heritage. I tried to join the ‘Save The World’ movement and went to Washington and lobbied for what I thought was a good idea (now called Climate Change) but was not willing to get in a skiff in front of whaling ship and it cost too much money for little results.

Now there are Red states and Blue states and protest and podcast and websites spouting anger and hatred with little rational.

Nurses are on strike. Hospitals ICUs are full. Hollywood may be shutting down. Half a police force comes to work. Not enough truck drivers. Too many containers backed up on ships waiting and rusting. Not enough shots for 3rd world nations. Childcare. Broken bridges. Rusting pipes. No computer chips. Hunger. Immigrants. Seniors. Evictions. Empty shelves. Over doses. Homeless. Mask. Viral videos. Crazy presidents. Empty war zones. Empty churches. Full bars. Empty wallets. Rising prices.

Is there too much streaming? Is there too much drinking? Is there too much complaining? Blah-Blah-Blah?

Take the news feed today for example. Another shooting, politicians spouting ‘Us or Them’ rhetoric, what movies or streaming should be watched (reviews or advertising), some celebrity, who wins a court case because her dad thought she was off the rails shaving her head and sex tapes, by showing off her yah-yah while ‘Hooter’ girls fuss about their short shorts, exposed sexual inappropriate behavior reveled in churches, schools, scouts, sports, etc. The Capitol riot, Congressional bills, Healthcare, Senior citizens, Childcare, Employment equality, Compensation, Reparations and Immigration all drag on.

All along there are names of celebrities I’ve never recognized are having birthdays or telling stories or reliving fame but it doesn’t matter anymore. There is no reference to any of the latest movies or books or cultural chatter in my present memories. Don’t sit next to me at the cocktail party for I’ll be very boring. “Game of Thrones”? “Squid Game”? “Breaking Bad”? “Lord of the Rings”? Nope, nadda, not interested. I’m not completely unaware for YouTube shows the trailers and gives the best parts without all the filler. I heard enough book reviews but have not sat down to flip 500 pages without pictures.

Even old films are turning me off. Since every male movie star had to ride a horse (and all the women had to be dance hall girls or prairie moms with 15 kids) and there were always chase scenes and the stunt men would fall into the same pit of hay but when the horses were pulled down it was not computer generated and the new movies are too violent (even the comics). Cowboys, war films, religious films, sci-fi movies and even cartoons are about bullies getting their comeuppance getting beat to a pulp or filled with lead. Violence sells. Rodeos, bullfights, wrestling, boxing, racing….

I try to at least listen to current music, yet I get bored easily. After the first four bars, if the sound doesn’t catch my ear as something different, I’ll move on. The music business is about finding a formula and repeats until the audience gets bored. I’m bored. If something does become an earworm, I post it hoping others may enjoy my eclectic taste.

I certainly don’t follow politics. After the last divisive president, the antics have grown to the point of attack and harm. There is a governor’s election coming up and I already know whom I’ll vote for. Did he (yes, there is just one gender and race) present the best platform promises of better education, lower crimes and filling in more potholes? The vote is more of a statement for the lesser of two evils and in four more years, it will all be the same. When I hear people talking about politics, I only hear anger and when I ask, “What are you going to do about it?” there is no answer.

If I get poor customer service or less than expected quality, I don’t return. I’ve stopped shopping at many stores and dropped fast food altogether. Why should I leave disappointed? The same should be true for politics?

Instead spent the morning reading about religious denominations and Pentecostal presentations. My latest fascination has been “why” people have religion and so many variations? Why is one book always on the top of the best sellers? Why is that the only book provided to hotel rooms? I can only figure the Homo sapiens need an explanation to the question of ‘Why Are We Here?’

Tomorrow will be pictures of babies and puppies and some stimulating memes. The sun is predicted to rising and the temperature is guessed. There is probably enough clothing to wear but the refrigerator is empty so I imagine there is a trip to the store in the sunshine. I imagine the streets will look the same and the course won’t change, but will be aware of detours. I hope the items I want to take back are on the shelves but will adjust to what is available. If I make it back home unharmed, the possibilities are endless.

What will inspire me if the spirit doesn’t move me?

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