Monday, August 29, 2022

Water, Water Everywhere


…And not a drop to drink.


Maybe you didn’t notice while sitting in your air-conditioning straining the grid because the $20 a gallon of gas is too much to travel and buy a $10 loaf of bread while avoiding all the Karens and flying bullets that the rivers are drying up.


The Danube, the Loire, the River Po, The Rhine, The Yangtze River, and The Colorado River are drying up due to drought and heat. Too many wild fires, too many monsoon rains, the oceans are rising and the rivers are falling.


While we might be sad to lose the recreational experience of tumbling over rocks on a surfboard but when you turn the facet and nothing comes out? Those stacks of plastic bottles have all disappeared. There will be brown lawns, no hot tubs, no swimming pools, no water slides, no car wash. There will be no long luscious bubble baths or clean dishes. No more beer!


We forget those ferries and barges gliding up and down the river have a purpose but it is too shallow to sail. This will increase traffic thus increase pollution thus increase prices. If this keeps going there will be no romantic selfies by a dried up waterfall.


Others make these rivers their homes. Not only a source for drinking but for building shelters, raising families and bathing. A fish has no where else to go.


So while the heat and humidity rings the sweat out of us, we may want to save that water.


Don’t forget to hydrate.

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