Tuesday, November 15, 2022

How will (do) they talk about you?


You have friends and family and associates that you share casual communication everyday. You might get a call or a text or even some FaceTime on your electronic devices. You might even meet at some location to share a libation while sharing your recent experiences. It may seem very culpable, but what happens when you walk away?

What did the conversation leave behind? How were the thoughts conceived? Did the other person evaluate your meaning or need assistance from other?

You might dress well and have professional presentation manner, but there maybe a profile performance you don’t know about.

Others may have taken their observations and interactions with you to form their own opinions of your values and worth at the next appearance. One who thought you were entertaining or a good conversationalist may now have a difference to your previous experiences.

Some may call it gossip? Some may call it judgmental evaluation? Some may call it boring nonsense of limited personalities?

Remember when you meet someone you have not seen in some time, how will you appear to them? How do they appear to you?

Your hairstyle may have changed or you maybe wearing a different style of shoes? Then again you may have another person on your arm or in your arms?

So much could have changed that was never communicated directly. So much could have changed by other’s opinions.

We all constantly change our opinions by personal experiences, intellectually studies and knowledgeable presentations of thought worthy and vilified reports of events.

Or we can all meet without pre-established evaluations and begin anew?

Whatever you think, they will talk about you when you are gone.

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