Wednesday, July 12, 2023

Faking-It Pt. II


While sitting around the heat just thinking, I remembered, faking it. We go through life just ‘faking-it’ because there are no instructions. We can be taught, instructed, regulated and applied certain requirements, but in the long run we are all just faking-it.

I get up in the morning and walk outside into the forest and tell myself it is a wonderful environment for critters to live, but I’m just ‘faking-it’. I’m too lazy to whack down the weeds.

I ride a bicycle to the grocery everyday avoiding the gym but still getting exercise, but I’m just ‘faking-it’. I coasting most of the time.

I bring home a bag of what is labeled ‘food’ that I will put into my mouth and wait for the refuge to come out, but I’m just ‘faking-it’. I don’t read the containers for I’m not an MIT engineer to understand the chemistry that now makes up our ‘fake food’. Unless you pulled the head off the chicken or scaled the fish, it is all processed. If it tastes good with salt and sugar and fills your gut, you continue to follow the process.

Getting a hair style or a fancy suit makes you think you appear good to passerby’s, you are ‘faking-it’. You don’t look any better than that person in the mirror in the morning. Apply all the cosmetics and up-date your style matching the magazines of ‘faking-it’ models. Whichever uniform you wear to conform with your surroundings, you are ‘faking-it’ to fit in. Doesn’t matter your individual thoughts, your ‘look’ presents your image.

While you pack up as much stuff you can carry and transport yourself to another land where you don’t know the language or any of the people but stay in a someone else’s bed and eating food you would never prepare in your own kitchen, you are ‘faking-it’. No matter how much you spend on the way or even relax from the ordinary world, a vacation will end and you have to go back. You were ‘faking-it’.

Going into a room full of strangers, you present yourself with whatever will start a conversation or get an attraction. You can tell your history embellishing where necessary or just flat out lie. You are just ‘faking-it’.

You may find someone who you would like to know romantically (that means fornication, copulation, or any of the other slang words for doing the hokey-pokey). When you believe you are the best love, you are just ‘faking-it’.

Making vows of foreverness to each other, under religious instructions or governmental requirements, cohabitation and children and property can be shared, but you are just ‘faking-it’. No matter the pure intention, there is always the wandering eye. Whether you act upon it is your decision.

 In the end, with all your accomplishments and accolades and monetary consumption, they only give you a slab with your name and date of birth and death.

You were only ‘faking-it’.

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