Saturday, August 12, 2017

It’s FREE!

Isn’t that what we are looking for?
We search through piles of coupons, online offers, double-check reviews and fill our surveys to get bonus points, clearance discounts, two-for-one or any other enticement retailers/manufacturers can create.
What we are really looking for is ‘FREE’!
We want FREE schools, FREE medical and childcare, FREE transportation, FREE homes, FREE entertainment and FREE utilities.


Welfare is the provision of a minimal level of social support for citizens without current means to support basic needs.
In most developed countries, welfare is largely provided by the government from tax income, and to a lesser extent by NGOs, charities, informal social groups, religious groups, and inter-governmental organizations.
Social security expands on this concept, especially in welfare states, by providing all inhabitants with various social services such as universal healthcare, unemployment insurance, student financial aid (in addition to free post-secondary education), and others. In its 1952 Social Security (Minimum Standards) Convention, the International Labor Organization (ILO) defined the traditional contingencies covered by social security.

Just ask the people in our cities’ reservations called public housing.

Why work if everything is FREE?

Think of it this way. As we go to work to build buildings to live in and machines to move us from place-to-place and invent new gizmos to entertain and amuse us and create wonders of science to maintain and perhaps prolong our retched lives; we place worth on our deeds and feel we need compensation for our labor.

Why not?

Well if everything is FREE, why get paid? All the money will go into a “big fat kitty” to pay for all the materials and distribution to the masses that want the latest electronic gadget or magical pill. No hedge funds or margins…. but there is a catch.

Would a welfare state reduce the quality of the garments or housing or transportation options or availability to healthy food? What is the incentive to try harder and do better?

A commune would have everyone share everything from work to religion but our species want more. If we feel jealous of what someone else has we envy his or her processions and we covet until we steal it.
As our families or tribes have migrated and accumulated lands and water and stock some gerrymander to get more than their fair share.

If we live in a society based on monetary rewards for hard work then our economy can be maintained and order preserved as everyone knows their place by his or her value. That is why we create a government to monitor and regulate each other.

Nothing is FREE.

Not really.

When you wake up and open your eyes and take that big yawn of sucking in air; that is FREE. Every breath is FREE and it keeps you alive.
Take a step forward and move your arms and hands to make that cup of coffee and bowl of cereal and it is FREE.
Smell the flowers, feel the raindrops, hear the children play, watch the dogs run; it is FREE.

Enjoy what you’ve got for the rest of life has a cost.

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