After hours of emotional, continuous, and hypnotically amazing example
of a dysfunctional government debacle followed by the entire world laughing at
our president, the rush to confirm a lifetime position without a public vote
has been delayed for another week for an investigation for 40-year old
allegations by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Yep, call for the FBI. You know the J. Edgar Hoover, Eliot Ness, Al
Capone, Tommy gun FBI. The US Police Force sort of FBI is on the case.
OK, FBI you got a week to find some evidence on this conundrum. You got
your work cut out for you.
Now I don’t know about you or how good your memory is on what you did in
high school, but most of those memories at high school reunions are about
football games or graduation or teachers with few recollections of who was
having a party or who was there because everything was in the moment. Do you
remember the name of that girl you had a crush on in chemistry but were too shy
to ask out? Do you remember the boy in the terrible suit who took you to the
prom during your pimple period and was a terrible dancer? Do you remember the
name of your gym teacher or your assistant principal?
I do have a pretty good memory and also wrote diaries during high
school. I don’t remember when I took that test or what socks I wore or even
what I ate. The diaries are brief in scripted lines of names of people I called
to find out where the weekend party was going to be. They also say I was tired
all the time, as teenagers are. There are no addresses or times or any record
of problems or illness or being pulled over by the police or required dances or
events mandatory by parents to attend unless there was some girl I met and the
only word would be “Nice”. How to decipher all this would be difficult 40-years
I don’t think I’ve ever been vetted. I’ve filled out job application
forms (sometimes true but never verified) and I guess I gave some information
to social security to get a card and my taxes are up-to-date along with my
pension. My personal photo ID is just being duplicated from the 80’s so the
picture really doesn’t look like me now. My profile pages online are vague or
possibly wrong and I don’t Tinder. My bank knows my email address, but everyone
else is sent to another site.
I’m sure the FBI could find out what size shoe I wear, so let’s see what
they come up this week.
Seems from the hearings they have some leads to question and gather any
evidence of history, perhaps a time and location of said accusation of the
supposed offense. Then again, this is not a criminal investigation so no one is
under any penalty of law to answer or cooperate with the FBI.
But this is the FBI. You may not want to comment but could wonder what
that blip is on your computer screen or that strange beep on your phone. This
is the FBI.

What would the questions be? When did Mark Judge work at Safeway? Where
was the house? Where were the parents? Who bought the beer? What brand of beer
was it? Was that underage drinking? What was Dr. Ford wearing? Was it a tee
shirt of button up? Were the boys upstairs when she climbed the stairs or were
they already in the bedroom? What was Brett wearing? Did he remove any of his
clothing? What song was playing? Where they’re other girls at the party?
I’m sure them FBI folks will ask all the pertinent questions and gather
all the information in a neat package to present back to Congress. Those in the
hallowed halls can sort the data and make their conclusions and this insane
reality show can continue until we all get bored and go back to see which team
is winning or losing avoiding the constant flood of rehashing opinions and
talking points.
Remember this nonsense goes on inside the bubble called DC and the
bureaucracy grinds on spending the people’s money and we (the people) get a
chance every now and then to re-elect our representatives or replace them with
a vote.
And what do we know of these few who decide to throw their hat into the
ring. There marketing campaigns show them as outstanding citizens and only
their opponents mud slinging ads throw disparity on their aster reputation.
After taking an oath of office declaring they will be a loyal and
dedicated worker for the people who have elected them, they may be vetted for access
to top-secret confidential information. Does anyone ask about former adolescent
misconduct, alcohol consumption or moral aptitude?
Do you believe in “God We Trust”?
Tune in next week for more exciting adventures of the United States
Government in action.
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