Sunday, June 23, 2019

The Front Door

Been reading about the eviction conundrum and one of the solutions for moving a family out of a building owned by someone else is to take the front door off.
It makes sense.
The front door is our firewall against the outside world. The front door is our entry to our personal space and our barrier against peril.
The front door is thicker and stronger than all the other doors. There are locks and chains and bolts to secure the house from this one door.
So it makes sense to remove the front door exposing your belongings and inner sanctum. It would allow any passerby has the opportunity to enter and remove a lamp or a painting or your television like a free yard sale. Without a front door you are naked to the world.
No only the psychological and emotional trauma of having all your ‘stuff’ dumped on the curb is the physical effort to move them onto another place, if there is another place.
I understand the property owner ordering freeloaders to leave the premises without the compassion of their story for it is not their job. I’ve seen neighbors move to defaulting on their mortgage. I’ve seen furniture piled in the gutter being soaked in the rain.
My first apartment was $100 a month with a roommate. Not too bad for a college kid. My second apartment was about the same but had to move somewhere with a wife (and cat). The first house was probably unaffordable at $25,000 but Fanny May got me to sign on the dotted line and somehow kept up the payments.
So everyone on my block and on the next street and in the neighborhood have their own situations with finances but if they extend their credit to add an addition or buy a new car.
Haven’t seen anyone dragged out of the house by the authorities and their belongings dumped, but it happens.
Also have not seen any houses without a front door.
My front door has two locks and a chain and a peep hole and is checked before going to bed every night, but my back door usually remains open.
Maybe the sign helps?

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