Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Minority Majority

Don’t know if you’ve noticed, but we are a diverse nation. Well let us redefine that to ‘country’. For we are the ‘United States of American’ but that is just north America, including Canada. The continent is called the ‘Americas’ including lots of influences and cultures.
Not only did we invade…. Or colonize the land from migrants from religious persecution from their homelands to travel across the sea.
They (we) brought ideology and traditions foreign to the indigenous people. These explorers were not the majority.
The Anglos pushed the indigenous people back with superior weaponry and false contracts.
Needing more labor than procreation could provide, the importing of ‘people’ from the Dark Continent being colonized by Europeans spreading the ‘word of God’ to the savages, gathered up and shipped them to the America colonies like grain or cattle.
So as the country grew declaring itself free from the ‘mother country’ expansion went westward across the land. Others on the land were either suppressed, enslaved or slaughtered.
The balance of power continued until…
Was it a revolution?
All the people who have been intermingling with the acceptable culture became aware. Women, gays, people of color, disabled, mentally ill, addicted, etc. who had been repressed wanted a voice.
All the people who had been in the shadows or the background demanded recognition. Housing, education, healthcare, religious equality became issues and headlines.
White supremacy is cracking but as long as there is still an economic disparity, they will hold their ground firing bogus propaganda out of fear.
Having forgotten the assimilation of Irish, Germans, Jews, Hindus, French ‘we’ now want to detain, deny, incarcerate, imprison as with the Japanese. Muslims, Latinos, etc. are becoming banned from entering the border while they have been manning our call centers, picking our crops, putting on our roofs, cleaning our bathrooms?
Do ‘we’ welcome our neighbors or keep segregation until the next revolution?
How long before the animals rise up?

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