Sunday, August 11, 2019

Regulation, Anticipation, Degradation, Participation, Manipulation, Fornication and Atonement

Life is like that. We cannot find out way without regulation.

Got a problem?
Gun control, climate change, migration, consistent wars, domestic violence, animal abuse, infrastructure, corruption, collusion, conspiracy, education, health care, sharks, drugs, electric scooters…. You name it.
There is plenty to go around.
So how do we solve these problems?

It is easy. First form a committee or council or study group and make sure it is diversified to cover all aspects of opinions. Next start gathering data. Have some town hall meetings to get the publics thoughts. Make a multi-page report or study or findings with charts and graphs and pitch it to a legislative official. Then tweak the words and paragraphs to satisfy others to get the bill out of committee. Once everyone (or at least enough) vote for it and pass a bill it will go to the president to sign or veto.
Once it is approved and becomes law, the word is passed down to all the states to follow the new regulation. Speeches are made, signs are constructed, and websites are upgraded to inform the public.
 Will these regulations be followed?
Look at stop signs or speed limit signs. Gun licenses or permits and background checks (with more holes that Swiss cheese). Underage dating. Alcohol and smoking age limits.
Unfortunately many regulations require cultural changes or fake IDs.
Still we expect the regulations on clothing and food and medicine to keep us safe. The same for our vehicles and restaurants and building construction…the list goes on and on.
If that doesn’t work, the judicial system does what it does to slap on the wrist with a fine or bring before a judge for final regulation of punishment for bad behavior.
Rinse and repeat.

Now we expect every Black Friday to find some new bargain or latest gadget to spend our hard earned cash. We swipe through online dating hoping to get lucky. We hope every year the boss will call you in for another raise. The meds the doctor orders will fix you up.
Everyday brings the hope for a better future, but unfortunately life doesn’t always meet expectations.
Anticipation of a better day keeps us going.
Maybe tomorrow will be better?
Maybe a new law or ordinance will solve all our problems?

Unfortunately life also throws some slings and arrows. Too short, too tall, wrong color, wrong sex, poor, ugly…. Again the list goes on and on. Wherever you live and whomever you meet and greet, there will be someone else who judges you.
Again you may never meet acceptations in the eyes of others.
Degradation squashes anticipation.
Not to worry, there is a law or an act or a regulation that requires us all to be friendly.

Join the club. Be part of the team.
It is better or more secure to roam in a pack than a solo participant.
We feel better in packs. We may feel wearing the same clothing and enjoying the same music or going to the same dining establishments will make us acceptable.
There are regulations for groups are allowed to do to meet community requirements.

It is easy to do. Advertising, social media, robo-calls and many more will persuade that the latest song or clothing style or dance or food or make-up is worth the cost of being popular and able to participate.
Friends and social media make the regulations. The government doesn’t care how you dress or what your hair style is as long as there are profits in the bank.

Forgive me for I have sinned. That is what religion is for.
The regulations for the spirit require payment to the path of the eternal salvation and the government has nothing to do with it. It is a pay as you go.

What about this?
Oh, I just threw that in to get your attention. We’ll discuss that later.

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