Tuesday, January 21, 2020

And then they went home…

Photo courtesy of Jay Paul https://www.jaypaulphoto.com/

A well-armed group invaded downtown and surrounded the capitol grounds.
The news estimated there were 22,000 who came to town for the 2nd Amendment Gun-Rights Lobby Rally. Don’t know if that was all the folks they let in on the grass or an estimate of all those wandering around on the blocked off streets carrying guns? Whichever there were lots of cold folks carrying guns and flags and signs that read: “Suddenly Democrats believe in borders”, “The American Revolution began for LESS”, “Black rifles over black face”, “Epstein did not kill himself”, “Fascism checklist: Socialism, racism, infanticide, gun control”, “Government denied MLK concealed permit: black-faced Northam would deny again”, “Guns are a right, not a privilege”, “More patriots than you have handcuffs”, “Thus always to tyrants”, “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.”, “I want gay married couples to be able to protect their marijuana plants with guns”, “This is the law of the land”, “Their agenda? Eliminating all 2A rights”, “A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined. George Washington”, “Don’t tread on me”, “Mr Northam Tear Down This Wall”, “When democrats want common sense gun laws. What they really mean is ending our gun possession”, “Absolute power corrupts absolutely just look at the proposed Va. Gun laws”, “Guns cause crime like penises cause rape”, “Gov’t & media run by organized crime”, “Armed citizens are free. Unarmed citizens are slaves”, “Free men will not comply”, “Registration leads to confiscation” while wearing orange  “Guns save lives” stickers.
From what I could see from the photos on the news feeds, the armed (and unarmed) lobbyist/protestors/supporters looked mostly male, mostly white, and a mix of hunter/militia garb. The news interviews with participants were mostly fear of repression or disarmament.
Those who wanted to go through the gauntlet of metal detectors searches to attend the weapon-free secure area surrounded by chain link fencing were peaceful and cooperative. There was no arrest or weapon confiscation reported.
At the allotted hour several gave speeches that ranged from second amendment rights to reelect Trump in 2020. There were chants of ‘USA’ and the pledge allegiance to the flag.
It was the usual rhetoric.
“The governor and the Democrats have ignored the Constitution and trampled on our rights,” York County Sheriff Danny Diggs said. “He has even disarmed law enforcement officers here today, telling us that it’s to keep us safe. Yet here we are, like defenseless caged animals.”
   “The Democrat Party in the Great Commonwealth of Virginia are working hard to take away your 2nd Amendment rights. This is just the beginning. Don’t let it happen, VOTE REPUBLICAN in 2020!”
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 20, 2020

I didn’t hear any reference to religion, homelessness, climate change, pollution, abortion, pay inequality, incarceration overcrowding, migration, drug addiction, domestic violence, infrastructure, Sandy Hook massacre, trade restrictions, farmers subsidies, education, health care or betting on the Super Bowl.
This gathering was under a ‘State (actually a Commonwealth) of Emergency’ and compared to the Unite the Right ‘rally’ of August 2017 in Charlottesville. The difference was that rally was about ‘white supremacy’ and ‘neo-nazi’ folks complaining about a confederate statue and southern heritage. They came to town with guns too. They also brought shields and flaming torches and were looking for trouble. There was also a large crowd of Antifa also looking for trouble. Like two opposing gangs, they rumbled.
One of the comments I heard today from an interview with an anonymous person open-carrying a weapon was a comparison of guns to automobiles. I think, from what I heard, was the government was coming after guns because they kill and not automobiles. Automobiles also kill but the government doesn’t come and take them away. Good argument until…
Automobiles are registered. Automobiles are inspected. Drivers are licensed to drive automobiles. There are all sorts of restrictions and regulations on automobiles on how fast they can travel to where they can park. Disobey these laws can be a ticket and a fine to your automobile being towed and license to drive revoked.  
Yes, an automobile is a tool but if mishandled can cause carnage to friends and strangers. A gun is the same. It is a tool, which in the wrong hands, can be homicidal or suicidal.
It was a cold as a witch’s… so it was a good day to sell coffee rather than tee shirts. Unfortunately you couldn’t enter a building to get warm while carrying an AR-15. I didn’t see any port-a-potties so standing in the cold with no place to go must have been uncomfortable.
I’m sure there will be some discussion on how much the ‘State (Commonwealth) of Emergency’ cost with the fence, metal detectors, additional law officers and whatever else was declared in preparation of possible mayhem. There will also be complaints of business closures due to blocked streets. I feel for the Commonwealth Hotel across the street. They do not have a back entrance.
Maybe someone can try to calculate all the revenue that was made from all these folks staying in hotels, eating in restaurants, drinking in bars and possibly buying firearms? There are probably some traffic tickets to be added and maybe some bail bonds fees.
Fortunately the entire buzz on the new media did not spark havoc or mischief for the viewers’ entertainment back home. Let the talking heads analysis what could have been and what was.
I’ll wait until tomorrow to check and see if there were any skirmishes but will be glad to get back to invisible notoriety of a quiet town on the river.

Update: Seems there were no shootings in the city yesterday or overnight. Did the invading army barring arms showdown the daily shooters? Maybe it was the cold temperatures?  

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