Friday, January 1, 2021

Just In Case


Well here we are. Another year is starting. Do I need a calendar? Just in case some event is happening that I must remind myself of. Should I have a watch to keep track of time just in case I might miss it?

A new year comes around every 365 days with all the possibilities and opportunity of the unknown. No promises or guarantees lay ahead. The script hasn’t been written yet.

We may wander into this year a bit less intrepid due to last year. Our caution is duly noted for the uncertainty of tomorrow.

Maybe we should carry a rabbit’s foot for good luck. It is only an amulet but if it makes us feel better? Four leaf clovers, horseshoes, ladybugs are all symbols of good luck through our mythology.

Do you toss salt over your shoulder if you spill some? Do you knock on wood? Do you avoid stepping on a crack?

None of these actions will insure good luck but just in case, it couldn’t hurt.

So here we are in a brand new time. We’ve opened the door and can’t go back.

Just like waking up every morning brings a new adventure, so does turning the calendar. Your computer already knows what year it is. Don’t worry if it is Monday or Sunday. It is a new day. Another chance to accomplish dreams, venture into the uncharted, experience the time each breath brings and you don’t need to bring along a Sharman.

Will this year have disasters and untold misery? Will this year bring new friendships, visions of wonder, rewards waiting just over the horizon?

There will be new people who will join us while others leave. There will be cold dreary days so we can appreciate the warm sunshine. There will be songs from birds and children, if we just stop and listen.

Life is an adventure. Enjoy the ride.

See you tomorrow; Lord willing and the creek don’t rise.


PS. That good luck charm wasn’t so lucky for the rabbit.

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