Friday, September 24, 2021

Getting Old


Getting old isn’t for everyone. Some don’t make it this far.

You know you are ‘old’ when the people in the obituaries are the same as you are now.

You now can identify as a senior citizen, an old coot, a geezer or just a decrepit old fool. You can be cherish as a grand or ignored waiting to die.

Old is an object, concept, relationship, etc., having existed for a relatively long period of time.

Old is when you realize those joys you used to do are now memories.

An old an abandoned building; old friend

Old is finding out the reason your email was not returned.

Old is living being, having lived for most of the expected years.

Old is the realization that the music you listen to is retro.

Old is becoming a wrinkled old man

Old is meeting a friend from the past and don’t recognize them.

Old is a perishable item, having existed for most, or more than its shelf life.

Old is looking at pictures in your high school annual and can’t remember their names.

Old is having been used and thus no longer new or unused.

Old is when you don’t have to show your ID.

Old is having existed or lived for the specified time.

Old is taking off your watch because time doesn’t matter.

Old is that does no longer exist.

Old does not live in social community.

Old is obsolete; out-of-date.

Old can question the ideals.

Old is when drunk and quarrelsome they just gave him the old heave-ho.

Old is when no one understands your jokes and you don’t laugh at any of theirs.

Old is tiresome after prolonged repetition.

Old is wearing the same shirt for days because it doesn’t matter to be fashionable.

Old is ancient, long-in-the-tooth, aged, elderly, out-of-date, antiquated, and obsolete.

On the plus side, you have the knowledge and wisdom of age.

On the negative side, the shell you are living in is starting to fail.

Some call these the ‘Golden Years’ when you can relax from a hard worn existence to enjoy relaxing with family and friends. This is the time to ripe the rewards of life. Old is a home that is paid for, a full bank account, travel and enjoyment at a leisurely pace.

Old is also when the doctor tells you the diagnosis.

Old is realizing the roller coaster is on the down slope.

Old is when your children start deviating up your assists’.

Old is thinking twice about bending over.

On the calendar, I can mark this day. Tomorrow may never come. This is what being old is.

Some say, “Being old beats the alternative.” No one I know has come back to confirm that statement.

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