Thursday, December 15, 2022



The word humanity is from the Latin humanitas for “human nature, kindness.” Humanity includes all the humans, but it can also refer to the kind feelings humans often have for each other.

Have we lost our humanity?

Reading the daily news, it makes me wonder? Did we ever have humanity? We fill our medical establishments with abuse we perform on ourselves. Our faith organizations preach caring for one another and then have wars in the name of their God. We continue to produce weapons to kill and maim each other. We continue to tear up our home planet to provide us with energy that is destroying our possibly for survival.

Sure there are a few who try to help us stay on the straight and narrow and most of us get along, as long as we play by the rules. Then we find our elected officials can be bought, our do-gooders are sexual pedophiles and the less fortunate are shoved into the shadows and forgotten.

We can point fingers and blame on the other guys, but it is worldwide. Humanity hasn’t read the instructions on how to get along. There are over 9 billion of us, more on the way. We are struggling on places to live, food to eat, creating power (that is our life blood as much as the air we breathe) so we can consume constant fictional entertainment, all the while trying to wipe each other off the face of the earth.

I don’t have the answer.

I avoid the contentious struggles online. I avoid crowds due to bad behavior. I don’t join, donate or participate any organizations that vow to ‘Save The World’.

I do say “Thank You” everyday to anyone who assists me to live another day.

In a few days, behind all the lights and music, humanity will gather to celebrate the possible birth of a savoir and gift each other to show our wealth while consuming more than we should eat or drink. Would we stop to shake hands or give hugs to strangers for one day?

“Good Luck” fellow citizens of the third rock from the sun. I’ll be gone soon enough but what I’ve seen in my life here is we are scared of each other and then find a reason for the fear.

Maybe the description of ‘humanity’ needs to be rewritten?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
