Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Send a Valentine to your Ex


After watching the replays of the Super Bowl commercials (not impressed) and the half-time show (not impressed) and the highlights of big guys running into each other (looks like the Chefs came cooking) and a ride to the Tummy Temple watching the lads who can’t figure out a selection of flowers or a package of sweets along with a bottle of alcohol to result in getting lucky tonight, I ponder the holiday called ‘Valentine’s Day’.

As we praise and pamper the one we are with at the time, do we not forget those who have become before? Everyone has a history and you are just the present part of it.

Suppose you send a Valentine card to your ex? You former love interest that somehow slipped away. It would be a remembrance of a time when what it was but is now gone. That person who was the most important connection to emotion until somehow it disappeared should be remembered.

While celebrating chocolates and roses with your present love of your life, there are certain memories that last in your mind. You may throw away their letters and cards and photos and tattoos but they are embedded in your heart.

Why not acknowledges that person was someone special at a time in your life and you appreciate the time together.

Whatever the reason for dissolving the relationship can be forgotten with time. If the person was the partner who presented you with a crop of children or a drain on your finances, at the time they were the love of your life.

If they were the one who shared spit at the high school prom or  that special night trying to find your virginity or the first marriage that didn’t work out, at some point they were the ‘one’.

Why not acknowledge them with that special point in time? Some have been lost in time. Some avoid your attention. Some don’t exist any more.

So on this Valentine’s Day, appreciate the ones who share the chocolates and laughter and remember those who did before.

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