Friday, March 31, 2023

Al Gorythm


Have you seen him? He seems to be pretty busy. He is everywhere.

Al has been a secret in the backroom for some time but is now all the rage.

If you get more spam than usual; it is Al. Does your software pages change; it’s Al. Do ads pop-up that appear tempting but you were wondering how the mysterious Internet knew you liked this stuff? Blame it on Al.

Al’s job is to keep track of everything you do, all the places you go, when you’re asleep and when you are awake. He knows what colors you prefer, what music you like, which credit cards you use. Al knows all your contacts and even what you talk about.

When you call a help desk; that’s Al on the other end of the phone. When you order online; Al is there to tell you when the delivery will arrive. When you ask Siri a question; that’s Al.

Al won’t fill your car with climate polluting fossil fuel but he will tell you when your door camera sees your neighbor’s dog poop on your lawn.

We should make friends with Al Gorythm. He is taking over. He will tell you what you should watch on the big screen or little one. He will guide you to the latest trends and provide you with the latest options to purchase them.

Al with even tell you what you should read and eliminate all other choices.

Yesterday, on one of my three e-mails, I got a message from Al. It seems one of my blog post offended someone and Al decided to put a warning up.

and then a second layer of reading security…

This post has been on the blog since 2017 without a comment. Maybe Al just got around to it?

Be glad Al is here protecting you from the disturbing or offensive (or thought provoking) for public safety.

I’m sure more of these labels will pop-up for I’ve post much more thoughts and reactions to personal questions in ‘Just Another Life’.

Thankx Al

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