Friday, April 7, 2023



Elders slip into times when most of current culture slips by unknown. In the long run, it won’t matter. They will remember times they have experienced and forgive the future. History is times gone by and unless you were there…? Tomorrow never knows if it ever gets here, so why worry about it.

Cultural trends in fashion, music, art, politics, relationships change before your eyes and you cling on to what you like. What do you need to know about the Dark Web or you have just won $5oo credit card if you just send in your name and bank account number.

The best part is when someone says something about whatever is happening now and you don’t know what he or she or they are talking about, you are naïve.

Teach me.

We should learn something everyday. If not from that screen you are scrolling in your hand, it might be meeting a stranger on the street asking for money for the deaf mutes or the brief flirt with the spring break girl.

If you are judged for not knowing a reference to a television show or the latest tunes, does that make you less of a civilian in the human race?

I may know more than you about certain situations and you may know more than I about others. Who is better, in your opinion?

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