Thursday, April 27, 2023

Who’s To Blame


Don’t drink the water! School shooting! Car crash! Trainwreck! Pot holes! Pregnant daughter! Lost dog! Annoying neighbor! Slow Internet! Smelly air! High prices! Broken heart! Terminal diagnosis! Eviction notice! Politics! Bias! Religion! War!  Reparation!


Who’s to blame?


Who caused the Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2 virus) pandemic? What cost that guy to go in a school and shoot-up kids? Who let out all those government secrets?

…and what are we going to do about it?


Who’s to blame?


Who spilt the milk on the floor? Why didn’t you clean up your room? You’re late?

Every mishap and mistake need a villain to blame. A fall guy, if you will, that takes responsibility for the ill deed.


If a child is shot last night, who’s to blame?


Was it the parent’s fault for letting them out at night?

Was it the friends who were hanging out together?

Was it lack of lighting?

Was it the police not giving enough protection?

Was it the shooter?

Was it the gun manufacture?

Was it mental health?

Was it drugs?

Was it the bullet?


The finger pointing goes on and on….


Who would take the accountability for the action?

If found guilty of the action by societies rules of behavior, what is the verdict?

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