Sunday, May 14, 2023

Remember Me?


A couple of years ago I appeared on the scene and everyone panic. We were told of a National Health Emergency and given daily updates of what to do to avoid me. Schools shut down. People worked at home. Businesses closed. Everyone was told to keep at least six-feet apart, wash your hands often and wear mask. The government formed task forces, supplied free shots and gave a body count every day. It seemed like people were dropping like flies. The sky was falling. If you knew someone who had been hospitalized, you couldn’t go and visit.

Well, it is now that our emergency declaration is over. The daily task force directed by the then vice president with a fly on his head stopped months ago. There was nothing new to talk about so they just faded away. There was no announcement to go back to ‘normal’ behavior, but we just got bored of hiding at home. Plexiglass walls came down, hop scotch floor markers disappeared, mask came off and people started gathering again.

There was never any bar chart that showed contamination had ended and there were no more deaths. Instead, there are still a thousand people of month dying from breathing me in and not being able to recover. There are also reports that I last a lot longer than just quarantined for a week or so. There are still test for me, but what do you do if you fail?

Some will continue to wear mask as a fashion item but it is still good avoidance from that guy hacking up a lung over in the produce area. You never could see me and if you suddenly got the fever automatically assumed you got me and you were going to die, so some still isolate and casually find it a vacation from the ho hum drum of boring conversations and conformity statue evaluations.

So, we move onto the next threat and will tell tales to our grands on living through the pandemic of the 2000’s like surviving the aids plague of the 1980’s. Or the polio threat of the 1950’s.

Beware of the cooties.

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