Sunday, December 10, 2023

Video Games


I’ve been reading reports that video games make more money than the motion picture industry and the performance musical industry (except Taylor Swift) and the organized professional sports industry together.

Is that what everyone who is driving by with a phone in their hand doing? I thought people were scrolling or texting or checking out the latest video on Tik-Tok?

I’m not a gamer. I didn’t like board games or card games for someone would have to win and everyone else loses.

The first computer games I saw were not impressive. They were slow and dull and the graphics were terrible. The next versions were more violent. The graphics got better and more bloody.

The same thing was happening on television and the movies. Cowboys were now blowing holes in each other with blood splattered all over the sand. Kung fu fighting had begun to replace fisticuffs. Weapons went from the six shooters to laser blasters.

I stopped at the Oregon Trail and never turned back, though it seems many others became fascinated in virtually destroying and maiming. Computer speeds caught up with the pace and the graphics became more realistic.

Now an expanding industry of music, visuals, and stories are being used to entertain millions around the world. Through your cellphone anyone on the planet can connect with anyone else to battle out fantasy worlds and then text how much fun they were having.

When do you turn it off?

The excitement of murder on screen turns into the nightly news. Anger and frustration relieved by pushing a button can now be accomplished by pulling a trigger.


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