Monday, June 3, 2024

Did You Reach Your Dream?


Did You Reach Your Dream?

Everyone has a dream job. Some are able to achieve the goal and grab the golden ring. Others not so much.

If you were lucky enough to have the skin color and the family name to have a step up, the ring is much closer and obtainable. In some cases, the ring is handed to you without effort.

Others of us have to work to attempt to grab the ring.

What is YOUR ring?

Maybe it is prestige? Maybe it is money? Maybe it is adoration? Maybe it is sexual prowess? Maybe it is too many shoes?

If the ‘what do you want to be when you grow up’ answer is 1. An Astronaut, 2. The President (of a distant island), 3. A Savoir with words and manners, 4. The finder to the answer of the meaning of life, or some such unobtainable ring; what will you do if you miss it?

Much like your date to the prom, you have to settle for second best.

Will the race car driver wind up tinkering on his engine on weekends listening to the race on the radio awaiting the big crash? Will the ballerina dance alone in the kitchen servings babies with little applause? Will the rock star yearning fame and fortune wind up in sleezy bars as a balding alcoholic with no grandiose stories to tell? Will the great patriotic hero warrior surrender when the powder runs dry?

Good luck and take another swipe the next time around.

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