Saturday, June 15, 2024



Ever felt you’ve been wronged?

Maybe a neighbor threw trash in your yard? Maybe you got a ticket for what you feel is an unfair law?  Does the neighbor always park in front of your house leaving you no space? A co-worker got a raise you feel you should have gotten instead? Your one-and-only partner ran away with someone else? Bought a ticket to a concert and the performance wasn’t what was expect? Your neighbor fusses about property lines? Your daughter gets cat calls walking home? The lotion you bought that promised to grow your hair back doesn’t work?

What do you do?

Do you shake it off, pull up your drawers and move on?

Or do you seek…

Revenge is a desire for vengeance or retribution, an act or instance of retaliating in order to Get Even. Taking an action that is an opportunity for getting satisfaction against the wrongdoer.

Paint your neighbor’s cat green? Impregnate his little sister? Let air out of two of his tires? Clip her fiber line? Paint a work of art on his fence with a spray can?

If that doesn’t satisfy your need for judgment, you can always use the court system.

What are your rights?

When you are born you have the right to breath the air. No one owns the atmosphere so we all share it to stay alive. Some are more toxic but we must have air to function.

There is no ‘right’ to water. Unless you live next to a bubbling stream of clear blue water, you got to pay for it. H2O is a necessity of existing on this planet, you do not have the right to drink it. Someone has to drill for it or collect it into little clear plastic bottles to keep you alive.

The bill of rights (which is a legal amendment to our Constitution) states our agreed upon basic principles and laws of a nation, state, or social group that determine the powers and duties of the government and guarantee certain rights to the people in the land we live in.

Rights are legal, social, or ethical principles of freedom or entitlement; that is, rights are the fundamental normative rules about what is allowed of people or owed to people according to some legal system, social convention, or ethical theory.

So, if you feel your ‘right’ has been offended; you seek retribution.

Insurance may pay for monetary loses, but are you emotional rectified with the solution?

The first bill of Rights (to our Constitution) states we all have the right to follow whatever faith we choose. Most of these religions have writings that state, and in some cases, command certain actions be followed as demanded by a supreme being.

Then there are legal rights to have weapons and form well-regulated militias for security (but not allowed to stay at your house), peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances, to be allowed to have free speech and a press to spread the news, cannot have your personal belongings searched without legal warrants stating a possibility of a wrong doing, then it goes into more legal definitions in detail of don’t mouth off to the police for it can be held against you and wind up on TikTok.

What got me started on this rant was a statement made by a person presumably a Republican candidate campaigning for the top office of the land. To quote:

"In 2016, I declared 'I am your voice.' Today I add: 'I am your warrior. I am your justice, and for those who have been wronged and betrayed, I am your retribution,'" Trump said at the political conference.

Now, as I remember in those old timey faith writings, that the Creator of all, Lord, God or whatever title he or she wears, is the one and only to perform retribution.

Retribution is a concept that refers to the act of punishing or seeking revenge on someone for their wrongful actions or behavior. It involves intentionally inflicting harm, penalty, or suffering upon the wrongdoer as a means of providing justice and balancing the scales. Retribution aims to restore a sense of fairness and accountability by ensuring that the person responsible for the wrongdoing faces consequences for their actions.

Only the Almighty had the power to smite the sinners.

An eye-for-an-eye instead turn the other cheek?

BEWARE: what you wish for.

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