Monday, August 6, 2018

Bird in the house

When the weather is warm, as it is today, I leave the door open to my studio. On the deck out front I spread seed and nuts for the critters, including all the feathered neighbors. They swirl about and land for the banquet with a side bowl of water for hydration or baths.
Now and again one of my buddies will fly in.
There is a bit of panic at first because I have two skylights and they fly up and knock into the glass. Why is the sky blocked? They may try back and forth and then feel confined where moments ago they were free to wander the air.
Sometimes they take a crap. I guess that says it all.
I don’t move much to intense the confusion but leave the door open and let them figure it out.
And they do.
I enjoy sharing some space with my neighbors and always reward them for their adventure. I think of it as a story they can go home at night and tell their family. They had gotten into a space where the sky was blocked and they survived.

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