Sunday, August 5, 2018

What do you commit to?

Making a commitment is being dedicated to a cause, activity, etc. Being committed means having dedication, devotion, allegiance, loyalty, faithfulness, and fidelity.
Making a commitment means making a pledge. A commitment is a vow, promise, pledge, oath, contract, pact, deal, decision, resolution, an engagement or obligation.
 A commitment is a responsibility, obligation, duty, tie, liability, task, engagement, and arrangement.
 A commitment is a promise to do or not do something. In the law of contract, an exchange of promises is held to be legally enforceable, according to the Latin maxim pacta sunt servanda.
At common law, the elements of a contract are offer, acceptance, intention to create legal relations, and consideration.
Not all agreements are necessarily contractual, as the parties generally must be deemed to have an intention to be legally bound. A so-called gentlemen’s agreement is not a commitment.
Involuntary commitment or civil commitment is a legal process through which an individual who is deemed by a qualified agent to have symptoms of severe mental disorder is court-ordered into treatment in a psychiatric hospital or in the community. That is being committed.
This is more than your passion (review earlier post) but an overwhelming desire that takes your time, money and effort to support.
Some say Marriage is the ultimate commitment. It has it’s own ceremony and must be approved by the state and there are vows and exchanging jewelry and names, but love can’t be controlled even with the most committed.
Some commit to family, whether previous or offspring is by name only.
Some commit to sport teams. Season tickets, hours of weekend viewing, jerseys, memorabilia for an every changing rooster and ancient memories but you are committed.
Some are committed to their children. Soccer moms and coaching dads with every fleeting moment not realizing all the time and money will not prepare them when they come out of the closet.
Some commit to their work. You do sign a contract to appear at an assigned time and place to do whatever duty is given until a certain time for a agreed upon amount of cash. You commit enough to pee in a cup. If the working conditions are not optimum, you are committed to reach the conclusion and accomplish your goal.
Some commit to their faith. Spending time and money in fellowship and bake sales and readings and preaching and taking care of others. A noble commitment, like those who fight fires and rescue-abandoned animals, the world is better off with your commitment.
To rob or kill is committing a crime. If you threaten or pulls the trigger must be pretty committed to the action. Are our heroes and patriots and those who serve committed to the flag and country? Are we as committed to them, as we are our sports teams? Is war committing a crime?
Social media is full of views and opinions, but are they committed? Some pages and blogs are committed to views from confederate statues to cooking gluten free to best vacation places to how to handle your lovelife.
Can you back up or explain your post or is this just a 14-year old chat room? Have we become accustomed to lies and questionable fact checking to believe whatever comes across the airwaves?
Would someone button my coat in the back?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

There's certainly a great deal to learn about this topic.
I really like all of the points you made.