Thursday, November 1, 2018

I hate to say it but there seems to be a lot of hate around here.

I hate to say it but there seems to be a lot of hate around here.
HATE getting up this early? HATE my hair? HATE eggs? HATE traffic jams? HATE my job? HATE my boss? HATE the…. Etc.
The list goes on and on and we have no restrictions to declare our hatred.
Hatred or hate is an emotion-based dislike, especially invoking feelings of animosity, anger or resentment, which can be directed against individuals, groups, entities, objects, behaviors, or ideas.
Hatred is often associated with feelings of anger, disgust and a disposition towards hostility.
Hate is an emotion.
When you hit your toe into a piece of furniture, you hate the item rather than your clumsy walking. When your football team loses, you hate the other team as if you had been on the field and could have done better. When your kid has a temper tantrum and screams, “I hate you!” do you listen?
Hate is an emotion.
There are lots of hate variations to loathe, detest, despise, dislike, abhor, execrate; or to be repelled by, to be unable to bear/stand, to find intolerable or to be an abomination.
Hate can start as teasing or taunting or bullying. In groups of like believers, hate can flame the fire of irrational behavior. Hate can become threatening or physical abusive or even deadly.
Hate is an emotion.
Hate has no time for cognition of facts or civil discussion of different ideas. Hate raises the blood pressure, increases the heartbeat and other physical anomalies that are not good for the body’s health. Hate can ruin a dinner, destroy a marriage, permanently harm children and possibility loses employment.
Hate is an emotion.
Today’s political discourse and social media responses fan the fires of questionable conclusions presented by people who were elected to represent the rest of us only to stand by and hear the vile and repulsive words in disbelief. Constant streams of opinion pieces wring their hands to the applause of those who also are bystanders. Repetition makes irrational thinking into fact. Advertising 101.

Emotion is any conscious experience characterized by intense mental activity and a certain degree of pleasure or displeasure. Emotion is often intertwined with mood, temperament, personality, disposition, and motivation.
Those acting primarily on the emotions they are feeling may seem as if they are not thinking, but mental processes are still essential, particularly in the interpretation of events. Consciously experiencing an emotion is exhibiting a mental representation of that emotion from a past or hypothetical experience, which is linked back to a content state of pleasure or displeasure.
Dreams may just be the explanation of emotions?

At the other end of the emotional spectrum is LOVE.

Love encompasses a variety of strong and positive emotional and mental states, ranging from the most sublime virtue or good habit, the deepest interpersonal affection and to the simplest pleasure. Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of strong attraction and emotional attachment. Love can also be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection, as “the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans; one’s self or our animal companions.
Love is an emotion.
Love is handing another a flower. Love is looking to the sky, enjoying the clouds and sunshine. Love is all the pictures of puppies and kittens and children on the social media. No one has defined the words, “I Love You” but there are plenty of balloons, cards and music. There is even a holiday for Love.
Love is an emotion.
Love can be as strong a drug as any other emotion. Love can be broken. Love can be accepted. Love can be shared. Love can be forgotten.

These emotions churn in our beings as we move along from one day to another with disturbing news and little else to hold our attention. What we hear and what we see (truth or fiction) forms our reactions and emotional response.
You decide.
No one has been loved to death.

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