Monday, December 24, 2018

Unintended Pregnancy

Sometimes we do stupid things in the heat of passion. We say the wrong thing. We commit crimes. We make people.
No matter the excuses, what is done is done. There are no take backs.
Words will be remembered, crimes punished, but children?
Everyday there are reports of horrific occurrences involving children. Blame can be placed and judgment handed out, but family is one of our most coveted terms of social structure.
The innocent brought into this environment are incapable to survive without parents, a mother, or other adults to provide shelter, food, clothing and humanity.
Unfortunately along with the happy smiling faces playing on swings and holding puppies, there are the images of abused and forgotten children.
Pregnancy is a life changer. A teenage girl who misses that time of month looks to a parent. She has had her life directed but now it is her decision.
If Josef had decided not to befriend a single mom carrying another's baby, how would this holiday turn out? If Mary had another option but to be the vessel to deliver our holy savior, would it still be joy to the world?
Children and adults face this quagmire with moral, legal, emotional and physical depositions weighed.

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