Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Cashless Conundrum

It seems that old hard cash that you toiled for is now becoming worthless. A Washington or a Jefferson or a Jackson or a Lincoln or a Grant or a Benjamin isn’t worth carrying around in your wallet.
 It is just worthless paper for now your phone pays everything. Be sure to keep it charged.
Handing someone a paper bill now has to be inspected in the light and possible scanned for there is counterfeit scratch out there. It is as bazaar as asking for your ID when you look older than dirt. Hold onto the wall while being frisked by a TSA wand.
While it was always a problem when merchants started charging $3.96 for an item and you didn’t have enough pennies in your pocket and had to break a bill to then fill your pockets with change. The cost will possibility be three point nine six point zero.
There was a time when, if you didn’t have the correct amount, a handshake promised the merchant you’d return with the balance. Otherwise that be stealing!
Still stuck in the plastic version of representing wealth for purchase but I see the movement onto phone payment. I’ll have to smarten up my phone. Is there an app for that?
There is a bowl on my dresser with leftover change. Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, even a silver dollar that just sits there. Coins are forged and molded metal that is today worthless. Don’t want to be that guy who holds up the line counting out ninety-six cents. It is almost as bad as writing a check.
When is the tattoo bar code on your arm pass for your private identity and monetary worth?

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