Saturday, April 13, 2019

The Root

As much as we layer then dig down to try to figure out who or what we are, certain root elements always appear. We may cover them up with analytical calculations or scientific theories or mystical explanations, but something’s are just true to our species.
We are curious
What is that over there, wonder what is over that ridge or behind that door, wonder if these two things are put together what will happen? We explore and innovate and discover new things everyday because we are curious. Sometimes our curiosity will find miraculous wonders or deep dark secrets. Wonder what is up on the moon beside our trash?
We run in packs
We are somewhat insecure so we gather for comfort or validation. It starts with families then schools and occupations and associations. Whether deep-seated beliefs and values or just wearing the same color jacket, we find our way with our teams, clubs and faith.
We are not very smart
Not demeaning the fine attempt to educate the masses to understand more than ‘see and do’ but our species are not very smart. Check the YouTube compilations of jumping off roofs or setting fires or speeding to understand with all our grey brain matter, we don’t use much of it. Maybe that is what makes us special?
We need to numb ourselves
Life, from the moment you wake up to the moment you go to sleep, is tough. ‘Survival of the fittest’ they say, but we don’t like it, so we numb ourselves. Constant searching for a plant or a powder or a liquid that can dull our pain has been and seems to be a way of life. What would you like to drink?
We need sex
We just don’t like sex…we need it. Second to sucking in oxygen and blowing out carbon dioxide, our body wants sex. It procreates our species but most of all, it feels good. We will go without food for sex. We will go without sleep for sex. We read about sex. We listen to sex. We watch sex. We talk about sex. Our parents had sex. Our children will have sex. Even our pets have sex. Our art and music are full of sex. Our writings are filled with sex. Even our laws and religious teachings are full of sex. Your place or mine?

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