Monday, April 15, 2019

Why doesn’t IRS figure out your taxes?

And send you a bill?
Really? Think about it.
They already have your social security number, your pay and the amount of taxes they retracted. They know where you live and what kind of car you drive. They know how many are in your family and your age and probably your shoe size.
Don’t be confused about having secured and personal identity protection. You gave that up when you joined the social media.
You have no idea how the tax table is calculated any more than how your hamburger is prepared, but you pay the price and leave a tip.
At the end of the year, the IRS computers could start whirring and whizzing and numbers will start flying and then DING! You have your taxes done faster than you can sharpen a pencil.
You get a bill that says “You Owe Uncle Sam…” or “The Magnanimous Government Will Refund You Overpayment Balance…” for you to sign your name and you are done.
There were times to sit at the dining room table spreading out all the receipts and adding and subtracting all the interest and sales tax like rolling the dice. Then these deductions were weathered away until You Make $, You Paid $ Tax, End of story.
Just like getting your credit card bill you just pay it without noticing the additional fees and dues for being a citizen and go back to feeding the cat and watching TV.
If you don’t pay your tax by April 15th, you will get an additional interest fee until the cops come after you. Remember those overdue library books?
Without 40+% of the public paying their tax, the military gets plenty of guns and planes, the poor are cared for and the lights are kept on in the gilded halls of Congress.
Think how much cheaper it would be without all those additional forms and administrative staffing to yearly confuse and befuddle until you turn to and outside agency to charge for the best guess.
You can still get an extension for the inevitable but the preparation stress would lessen. End of the month pay your credit card, cable, mortgage, TAX, dry cleaning and insurance bills and you are done.
Or you may like the adventure of rushing down to the Post Office before midnight to drop in the envelope before midnight?

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