Thursday, September 19, 2019

What Would You Die For

You’ve heard the term. That menu made a meal that was to die for or those shoes are to die for.
Perhaps the ultimate extreme wanton description is to die for, but what would you die for?
Maybe you’d die for your children? Would you die for your car? Would you die for your job? Would you die for the country?
Unfortunately your obituary won’t tell anyone of any of these declarations. Only name, timeline dates, titles and accolades and family (pass and present).
Will anyone know about your bad haircut days or your school bully or bad fashion chooses or addictions? Will your obituary tell about your first time or cheating or speeding tickets or barfing? Who will remember your crush that never worked out or why you got divorced or special vacations? Is there a record of how you raised your children or your favorite books or how your parents were treated? Will your eulogy tell the audience about your favorite tie or your real hair color or how much money you made?
These are all part of your life’s legacy and in the end; it is what you die for.

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