Friday, July 3, 2020


Anarchy is a state of disorder due to absence or non-recognition of authority.
You want to see Anarchy?
Leave your kids alone for an hour.
Our species can come up with all sorts of mayhem when left unattended.
Recently there are videos of kids who have been quarantined for months, blocking the streets, screaming obscenities, spraying graffiti, breaking windows, torching cars and looting. Those were the sensational moments of peaceful protesting racial inequality or police brutality or housing gentrification or sexual identify or educational cost or pay divergence or…
As the public has a right to peacefully assemble and state their objections to politics or religion or whatever the cause, when the yelling turns to violence it breaks the law from disturbance of the peace to malicious damage of property.
In my lifetime there have been disturbances, unrest and riots through the years and for every possible reason. Some seemed to get more than just the 15-minute of fame and some just faded away.
At the end of the day, someone has to sweep up the broken glass, call the insurance company, tear down the smoldering buildings, remove the burnt cars and start over.

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