Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Revolution WILL Be Televised

Seems everyone has a camera today. Actions and events that were never covered by the established media can now be captured and distributed to social media without context or background checks.
The viewer can assume what the visual means by the bias comments that follow.
Sometimes the nightly news will headline a viral video and add some context from investigative journalism.
Still the options for everything from some interaction in a parking lot to a one point-of-view that was not covered from reporters at the scene.
Cutting the grass? Buying groceries? Washing your car? Backyard barbecue? You are being filmed.
Some call it security. Some call it invasion of privacy.
The truth is any occurrence will have someone will pull out their phone and start filming.
There is no script. This is live TV.
And there is sound.
A brief capture of time without explanation what went on before the camera started rolling leaves the interpretation to the viewer?
So put on your makeup. Make sure your hair is combed. Walk out the door and you are a star.

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