Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Assimilate or Disincarnate?


Fit in or segregate. Be them or us.

To migrate is to leave where you have grown up, settled, had property, was comfortable with family, neighbors, life and move to an unknown area with new customs, religions, living conditions, requirements and strangers.

When you are a kid, you live with your family. They are your whole world. They make the rules and you abide by them. You know how they eat. You know how they sleep. You share your toys with them. You have your fights with them.

Then you migrate to school.

You have now been put in a different world with a new leader than a parent. This is authority #101. You are assigned a seat. You are bullied by strangers. You make friends with strangers. You are told what to respond and if you correctly regurgitate the words or numbers, you move on as a reward. If you do not, you are a failure.

When you travel or vacation in a different area, you can wonder at the differences but you go back home.

When you migrate to a different area there is a different language. There are different cultures. There are different foods. There are different living arrangements. There are different transportation options.

Can you assimilate?

The global commerce requires interaction between different areas of our planet. We can sample each other’s taste and cultures. We can enjoy music, poetry, exquisite architecture and historical concepts. We can share each other’s trash.

Since we sheltered in caves, we’ve grown to trust some and fear others. We formed our groups with names of religion, politics, military prowess and even sexual identification. Throughout history ‘our’ group can always find fault with ‘the other’ group to the point of murder.

Where do you feel comfortable?

There are areas in this township where I feel relaxed but aware I’m on one side of the line. There are other areas in this township where I’m at unease and wish to get back to ‘my’ side.

Home is the most comfortable space. Home has all your chattel that gives you comfort of familiarity. Home is where you sleep.

Some people don’t have that option. They have to decide do they cross that line?

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