Saturday, November 20, 2021

There is nothing under the tree


Have you heard there is supply chain constipation?

Parts and pieces that make toys are sitting in cargo containers (yes, the elves build a lot of toys but they don’t build screws or hammers), and once the pieces come ashore they sit on a dock until a truck can come and pick it up and take it to a warehouse (that is also full) for sorting and separating Santa’s order. Then there is that whole snafu of politics with border restrictions. If that wasn’t enough, all the missing parts and pieces need to be loaded on dog sleds for the Iditarod to the North Pole and into Santa’s workshop.

While the elves are waiting for their COVID-19 vaccine shots, they are isolated and quarantined wearing their face diapers and shooting pool and drinking all of Santa’s spiced eggnog.

The big guy is getting bigger eating all those pies and cookies Mrs. Clause has been baking. Rudolph is wondering if they can get the sleigh off the ground?

Maybe it is time to look around and start re-gifting?

If that doesn’t work, it is time to make the kids aware that on December 25, 2021 there won’t be any presents under the tree. Suck it up kids. You got more than you will ever use. See how that rationale works?

Don’t blame it on Santa. He’s just waiting like you for that smiley box to arrive with Uncle Henry’s ugly sweater or Na Na’s extra teeth. Mom and dad have to keep the automobile lasting a little longer because we can’t afford a used car and there are no new cars…even electric. With the high prices we also can’t afford a turkey for Thanksgiving. Those frequent blackouts are happening more and more so learn how to write with a pencil on paper. Just drink out of the facet because we are all suffering. That 12 year-old bottle of scotch that was being shipped from your cousins in England just ain’t going to get here for New Year’s eve celebration.

Blame it on brexit. Blame it on pandemic. Blame it on over shopping. Blame it on the wildfires. Blame it on the hurricanes and floods. Blame it on climate warming and the reduction in the ice cap (don’t tell Santa). Blame it on people who have enough money to spend to fly into space for a few thrill ride minutes instead of using their wealth to save the earth.

Just don’t blame it on Santa.


Happy Holidays and New Year and Kwanzaa and Hanukkah and Festivus and Season’s Greetings and all that other stuff…

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