Saturday, March 12, 2022

Name Dropping


The practice of casually mentioning the names of famous people one knows or claims to know in order to impress others is ‘name dropping’. Do you do it? Does someone else who does it impress you?

I listen to more-than-my-share of interviews and am disturbed by this habit. There are many books written and many songs written and many movies filmed that I’ve not seen or heard. There are many books I’ve read and songs I’ve heard and movies I’ve watched that may now be out-of-print or unaware but to a few with my eclectic taste.

If a name is dropped and I don’t know the background, can you explain it to me? As I do, I’ll jot it down and search the Internet for more information about why is this person influential or memorable. I may find it interesting to dive deeper or wonder why this person’s work affected you?

If I hear an interview with some expert on a subject and they drop a name or quote a word, sentence, paragraph as an answer, I wonder why they are being interviewed instead of the name-dropped? Perhaps the name-dropped is deceased a second hand or third hand review might be the best reference like a footnote to a term paper.

Now if you drop a name of someone famous or recognizable by someone who doesn’t pay attention to cultural whims or today’s fashion as an association or conversation, does that indicate a higher status or just being in the same room implies importance? Is there any verification of speaking to or hanging out with said personality?

If you say you attended an event, show or concert did you save a poster or get selfies or torn ticket stubs? If it was not documented you could have been one of the audience or not. If you meet someone who also claims to attend, you can compare details or you could have just seen it on YouTube?

All our interactions, whether in person or from different forms of media, forms our personality. If reinforced by reaction, the details may become blurred or enhanced.

The question is, “What do you think?”

How did the name-dropper change your feelings or opinions? Are you willing to try and understand a different thought or does the name-dropper need to be more of a personality to be contemplated? How much of what you say and think are you conclusions or just ‘copy & paste’ from another?

What does Kim Kardashian say about the price of gas? If Britney Spears could keep her clothes on, what would she have to say about voting rights? What does Snoop Dog think about climate change or Selena Gomez comments on Russia?

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