Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Times Up!


Think about the time you spend together? (Gads, here he goes again).

Not those crowds at events all screaming as a herd, but those rare times when face-to-face you have a conversation. Infrequent with social media comments and emoji, we only have a limit to the time to communicate.

Remember that date that wasn’t going so well and you could not wait for it to be over? Remember that date when things were clicking and you never wanted it to end?

Through the years we interact with many people. Those that are enjoyable to hang out with are called our ‘friends’. They might be smart or funny but for whatever reason they are the ones you tell secrets and listen and learn by association.

Some of these ‘friends’ may move away and one or two might become romantically involved requiring more time together.

Everything we do has a time limit. Sports have a time limit. Performances have a time limit. There is a time limit on how long you can hold your breath and a time limit on working before resting.

There is also a time limit of how long you can spend time together.

The other person may have other obligations or becomes bored with the conversation or may become distracted and lose interest. Should we be rude and disengage or just check the clock noticing the time is up?

Perhaps, like speed dating, it would be better to know how much time is allotted to spend with each other. A casual conversation could become an agenda of questions and answers within the time limit?

At this point in time, I consider the amount of one-on-one interaction cherished. With so many I’ll never speak to again, each encounter may be the last.

Then the bell will ring. Times up.

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