Saturday, May 28, 2022

Let Me Entertain You


There is much more leisure time now so we must find ways to entertain ourselves.

What is your entertainment?

Before radio and television was invented, we had to entertain ourselves. We could sing together with songs of religion or history of times. Then we created instruments to accompany our out-of-pitch off-key singing.

Then electrical lines wired us all together so we could gather around the set and be entertained by someone else with little selection. Records were our next option to listen to preferred classics but it was just watching a spinning wheel of vinyl.

There was local entertainment from a church choir to the barroom dancers giving a peek of a thrill to a drunken male audience.

Sports supplied entertainment from the earliest years. From gladiators to chariot races to boxing to dog racing. Some learned how to participate to play the sport while others were satisfied to just watch.

Others like to watch performances of show tunes or opera to loud festivals with blinding lighting and flaming stages. Some audiences would sit and enjoy the performance while others dance to the music.

Entertainment is supposed to be fun, but how do you choose?

Is a crossword puzzle more fun than mountain climbing? Can a game of cards be as enjoyable for a group of people than a kayak down the rapids?

Fear not.

Everyday influencers and critics and podcast that will tell you what you should read or watch. Of the hundreds of offerings from artist and writers and singers and photographers and dancers, the professional selectors will pick out their favorites and recommend a book or a movie or a television show or a live musical performance to entertain you.

Loud cars will still speed around an asphalt circle to entertain some. Singers with half naked dancers and smoke and flash might not be the finest composition but will go up on the charts to impress the consumer. Large people will bump into each other and the crowd will buy all the pennants, t-shirts, hats, coolers, posters, etc. while thin people will slide on the ice dance or twirl down on an aerial ballet with amazement.

Enjoy whatever entertains you (as long as it doesn’t harm any animal or human). Learn to paint or draw or write or play an instrument and you can entertain yourself forever.

Unfortunately for the feminist, the ladies are still stripping down to the basics to wiggle around for the goggling male (or female) viewers. This has become as acceptable as battles on planes or vigils of candles and balloons.

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