Friday, March 22, 2024



There are lots of pronouns being thrown about identifying people. ‘They’, ‘Them’, ‘He’, She’, ‘Sir’, ‘Miss’, ‘Doc’, ‘Squire’, ‘Princess’, ‘King’… to name a few.

Recently I heard the pronoun of ‘Late’ before a name to define the person is deceased.

Using the term ‘Late’ usually means the recently passing of a person described. Don’t have any understanding of how long someone can be late before the term is dropped.

We may be late for class or fashionably late for dinner or have a late train arrival or a late period, not all get here on time. A ‘Late’ person won’t be coming back at all.

We don’t refer to the ‘Late’ George Washington or the ‘Late’ Abraham Lincoln, for we all know after one hundred years, they are dead. Jack Kennedy is still referred to as President (former) that was many years ago. Martin Luther King is still referred to as Reverend or Doctor but neither are called ‘Late’.

So, if you invite me to visit and I’m not there on the arranged time, I maybe late. Or I may be ‘Late’.

Leave a message on my phone and see if I call back.

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