Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Holding Hands


Some mornings, if I get up early enough, I see this couple on my morning ride. They appear oriental and about my age. They are walking slowly down the street and acknowledge me as I pedal by. They are always holding hands.

I see lots of couples walking their dogs or pushing their babies or just jogging down the streets. The seem to be communicating to each other but they are both on their individual path and pace.

I’ve walked miles and miles with my wife and if we weren’t carrying bags and boxes, we held hands. It was just natural and a habit to hold onto each other. If we broke the connection to walk around something, we always said, “Bread and Butter. Love each other. Always”.

Now before getting all mushy, what is the meaning of holding hands?

Holding someone’s hand is the first no evasive physical contact with another. It is a continuous handshake. It could lead to a hug and maybe a lip lock and who knows where it goes from there.

Holding hands is a bond that shows everyone you are together. It is a protection for children and a way to keep going in the same direction. It can be a strange dance but you have to have a good partner who has the same pace. It is security and a sense of being a pair in the event of danger, like a nearby lightning strike, so you have someone to hold onto.

Even the Beatles found their fame by just wanting to “Hold Your Hand”.

I’ve stopped to say, “Good Morning” to the elderly couple and acknowledge my notice that they are always holding hands. I just want to give my appreciation of the sweet gesture before going on my way.

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