Sunday, August 11, 2024

Summer of ‘24


It was predicted to be HOT. It was.

Beyond the heat, what did you do this summer? Did you take a vacation? Did you read a book? Did you binge watch streaming movies in the air conditioning? Did you go to a new restaurant? Did you go to the theatre to eat popcorn and watch a movie? Did you go to a local tavern and met a new friend? Did you attend a festival? Did you attend a wedding? Did you attend a funeral? Did you shop online or go to the mall?

More important…

Did you write a novel? Did you learn to play an instrument? Did you create crafts? Did you play with your grandchildren? Did you cook a special birthday meal? Did you start exercising? Did you join in a group sing?

Or did you…

Did you drive around burning fossil fuel and adding to the climate change? Did you fly on a jet to some foreign land to look at old buildings and eat food not available at the Safeway burning fossil fuel and adding to the climate change? Did you run the air conditioning using electricity made by burning fossil fuel and adding to the climate change?


I didn’t read any books, but gave a lot away. I didn’t go to any movies after seeing the trailers on You Tube. I didn’t go to the theme park or attend any concerts or listen to any new music to my likening. I did travel on two wheels, but early in the morning. I did get a few chores done, but then the high heat was a good excuse to leave the vacuum covered in dust.

Some days were too hot to think, while a few had cooler evenings made for rocking. Listened to ole time geezer music deciphering details I’d never heard before. There was plenty of hydration.

Hope you had a fun and productive summer. Ready for sweater weather?

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