Sunday, August 11, 2024

Unacceptable or Accountability


There are bad things happening all over the world. Angry people destroying property and murdering other people. If the established media misses it, social media will have videos at the ready to record the carnage.

What is the rest of the world’s response?

“These events are totally unacceptable. The perpetrators will be found and brought to justice. They will be held accountable for their actions.” That will stop ‘em.

That is the scheme of things, but reality?

If there is a threat to security, call 911. In most areas a group of men and women will arrive with sirens blaring and dressed in battle gear to eliminate the danger. It may be a power struggle, but the one’s with a badge are legally impowered to do whatever it takes. We have all agreed upon this.

Then there are these warehouses full of people behind tall walls and barbed wire. These are the ones that society and its judicial system have found to be none conformity to acceptable behavior and must be held accountable for their actions. In these concentration camps or holding pens, everyone dresses alike (except for hairdos). The armed forces do the same, except they give everyone a haircut. Forts are made to keep bad people out. Prisons are made to keep bad people in.

Once found guilty by a jury of their peers, a judge will place a time limit on how long they must stay behind bars and away from the rest of society. There are appeals and retrials and reduced time due to good behavior.  There is even a redemption for rehabilitation or reincarnation for recurring offenses.

Whether we are accountable for our sins is up to ourselves and our maker. Saint Peter is keeping records. Even Santa knows when you’ve been naughty or nice.

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