Friday, May 23, 2008


Life is too short.
Life is what we make it.
Life is given.
Life is taken away.
Life is to be used to it fullest.
Life is to be enjoyed.
Life is to be cherished.
Life is too short.
Life is full of values.
Life is what makes the world.

Life is a fleeting a moment of sight, sound, smiles, color, breathe, happiness, sadness, warmth, cold, loneliness, companionship, joy, sorrow, hope, faith, and reality.

Life is layers of experiences, people, and events.

Such is life.

Layers are life’s reactions to effects,
Values, causes, experiences, and events.
All changing and adjusting life.
A butterfly’s color on a warm breeze,
A song drifting on the smell of an outdoor grill, and a kiss.
The smile of a layered memory.
All is happening in a moment.
These memories create the layers of life.

Some layers are heavy and dark.
Some layers bring smiles.
Some layers are unknown.
Some layers last forever.
Some layers come back again and again.

Life is how we weave our layers.

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